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Sunnup Slowdowns is a series exploring what it means to prioritise connection, to relish in gathering, to seek out beauty and to inspire rest & leisure. We seek to find how each of these inspiring friends make the most of moments in our fast paced world.

Words & Images
Yasmine Ganley

It is always a pleasure to visit Ophelia and Ryder with their son Emmanuel at home, something always seems to be in process, a project in motion, an idea about to be revealed — a wonderful energy for a home to express, and perhaps even expected from these two artists who seem to be ever flowing with ideas. The other thing easily spilled out of their home is simple, beautiful food: an earthy lentil soup, a delicate chai tea, milk from the next farm over, or figs from Tuscany. Everything is shared, and they find joy in the process. 

On this particular day, I met the family in their garden, surrounded by flowering manuka, relaxing underneath a perfectly sized magnolia tree. The grass was long and soft, encompassing them as they rolled around together on the mat. Once the scene was packed up, I looked back, and where the family lay was a clear shape pressed into the grass like a perfect memory. 

Your home and property have such a lovely feeling to them, something is always brewing! Can you tell us about how you and your family enjoy this space?

We are home all together a lot. Ryder and I both work from home and parent full time together. Our house is little but our garden is big. We love growing flowers, taking pictures and going to the beach. 

As artists, how does this way of living, away from the city, inspire or energise you?

We get a lot of energy from nature and immersing ourselves in it. It's fun popping to the city for work then retreating again.

In what ways do you enjoy your local community and its offerings?

If we aren't at home we are at the beach. We are lucky to pick from so many beautiful ones in this area. We also love going to local growers and getting our veggies each week.

What are some of your family's favourite one-day adventures?

Peach and rhubarb ice cream from Zippy's.

SUNNUP is all about slowing down, what are some ways in which you practice slow living? 

Planting seeds and watching them grow out the kitchen window. 

What are your must-pack essentials for a family getaway?

Books, togs, boards and our Sunnup mat.

What are you currently reading / listening to / watching?

We are both devouring Claire Keegan, you can fit her books in your pocket and swallow them in one sitting.